In these corona times, hotglue has been the platform for me. Not being able to physically present my work, this platform was an easy and fun way to share my work in an inviting and interactive manner. For this competency portfolio, it made sense to create an illustration/animation of myself! I linked each moving body part to a relating competency.

The most important feedback I got for CA2 was for the competencies ‘ability to grow and change’ and ‘ability to reflect critically’. I did not yet reflect enough on the choices I made during my design process and I had to be clearer about what certain decisions meant for me as an image-maker. Next to that, I did not work enough on developing my design process. I said I struggled with creative blocks and getting out of my comfort zone, so I got the tip to confront my fears. To go outside of the academy, get more insides from other people, and to show initiative and curiosity.

I have not yet found an internship, which I will do part-time because of
the RASL program. The last few weeks I have been spending time
in the ceramic station, which I very much enjoyed. It was a
way for me to just make work and be busy and for once
not think too much. I thought it would be nice, if possible,
to find a ceramic studio/artist for my internship to learn
more about the techniques and material. I have not yet
found a place, but right now I am busy getting in contact
with some people and places and sending out emails. As a
plan B, I am also contacting several small design
studios. I think this would be interesting in terms of
learning more about the organization of small collectives,
working together with other creatives on projects on a
professional level, and expand my network.

Again because of the RASL program, I didn’t need to
choose my practice last year, but this year. During 2.3
I did Branding and New Earth and after talking to fellow
students about their experiences with other practices I
will most likely pick a Social practice minor. I also think
my major in humanities at EUC, which combines
Political Philosophy and Critical Theory with Cultural
studies and Medium Analysis, will fit nicely with the
social issues discussed in the social practice, which
allows me to find ways to translate the theory I learned
into physical work.
18 December
major: illustration
practices 2.3: Branding and New Earth
Double Degree with Liberal Arts and Sciences at EUC (major in Humanities)